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Since we live in the beautiful (and rainy) PNW, I spend a good deal of my time watching the hourly weather forecast during portrait season!  Fall sessions in particular are pretty likely to get some rain during them.  I’ve written a little bit on how a rainy photo session could unfold here, and shared a […]

rainy portrait session in oregon

Hey friends! This is a crazy time right now, but you know what? LIFE is still happening! My son had a birthday last week. I’m getting inquiries from people bringing home new babies, or whose kids are having milestone birthdays–you know, the things I love to document for my families! While Oregon is under a […]

Maybe it’s just my Enneagram Type 1 showing, but my anxiety around the pandemic has been materializing in PROJECTS! I’ve been in the kitchen, baking cookies, cakes, and breads. I’ve decluttered and organized and cleaned. And currently, I’m working on a project that I think many of you might like help on: I’m working to […]

how to digitize old photos

Playing catch up on blogging fall sessions is just fine with me, because I get to relive all of these incredible moments with my beautiful fall families!  This sweet family showed up for their fall family photos in Portland ready to cuddle and laugh.  It was PERFECTION!  We always chat about what my clients want […]

fall family photos in portland oregon

This week has been so fun, going through all of last year’s work!  I’ve been pulling favorites from each session and trying to narrow it down so this won’t be a GIANT post, but it’s so hard!  I was blessed with some adorable clients in 2019, who showed up ready to love on their families, […]

hillsboro family photographer field

How is it already the end of November?? July through October is my busy season between weddings and fall family portrait season, so those months always go by in a bit of a blur! Now that things are slowing down, I’m excited to catch up on some blogging–I’ve been working with some freaking ADORABLE families […]

I love when a client contacts me with a vision for their photos that is totally in line with my style!  Alaina contacted me to schedule a relaxed, light and airy family photo session in a summer field and I was ALL about that!  Alaina helped that vision come to life with her family’s outfit […]

light and airy family photography in hillsboro, oregon

Can you believe that summer is almost OVER??  August has been just a whirlwind: besides a ton of family adventures, I’ve also been so lucky to connect with some of the best clients for family sessions, senior portraits, and weddings!  The end of summer is the busiest time of the year–it’s still wedding season, there […]

warm fall family photos in hillsboro, oregon

I had a few fabulous sessions for senior photos in Portland, Oregon over the weekend, and I’m so excited to share one of them on the blog today!  I met Amanda’s family a few years ago at Rood Bridge Park in Hillsboro, when we did a big session for her extended family, but today it […]

high school senior photos in a field near newberg, oregon

Follow along for all the pretty on the daily: what I'm working on, my current favorite hikes around Portland, and what I'm reading!

